When I started my weight loss back in July 2017. I was reading often, to take before & after pictures, as they keep you motivated and make you proud. Well here is the thing, I made them... Not perfect ones to be honest and to say the least. Yes, I lost already, but I am not yet there to share them (as they are really, really bad), but I do regret, that I did not take more time, to make some "acceptable" ones so that I could better share them with you. So please, do not make the same mistake as me, take them, put them aside and use them later. Otherwise you will miss it, as I assume as most people, you will not have naturally a lot of pictures when you are at you highest weight. I always hated to be on pictures, so I voided them with all my power and I run away, to be sure that I am not on them!
Today, I will do a big exception, which is not easy for me, really not! But there you go, my first before & after pictures. And I hate to do it, but I want to show you, that you can change as well! They are not the best quality, as hubby is not a big photographer.... The one in the park was 3 days after giving birth & the one in the hospital the day of the birth in October 2013. Both pictures are not at my highest and the crazy things is, that I did not run away from these pictures, as I was sure that this will be highest ever and thing will change from that day forward... But it did not, as I gained a good 12 kg/ 25 pounds, afterwards but that is a story for another day. The first picture was made at the beginning of December 2017, after losing already losing 26 kg/ 58 pounds since my highest weight in July 2017. So hang it there, it is possible. So start today, do not wait for a better day to come, you will thank yourself for this decision in 3 months from now, promise!