I simply love diary products and the Keto community has a very controversial opinion about it. As it raises the insulin levels and could therefore impact Ketone level. Here the general diary recommendations based on 1 once or 28g:
Butter: 0.1 gram (2 Tablespoons)
Brie and Camembert cheese: 0.1 gram
Muenster cheese: 0.3 gram
Cheddar cheese: 0.4 gram
Gouda cheese: 0.6 gram
Mozzarella cheese: 0.6 gram
Bleu cheese: 0.7 gram
Cream: 0.8 gram (2 Tablespoons)
Sour cream: 1.0 gram (2.5 Tablespoons)
Cream cheese: 1.1 grams
Swiss cheese: 1.5 grams
Little note about cheese, the harder it is, the less carbs it has! So here are the some more recommends per 100g:
Greek yogurt: 3.6g
Heavy whipping cream: 2.8g
Mayonnaise (preferably homemade): 0.6g
Cottage cheese: 3.4g
Cream cheese: 4.1g
Sour cream: 2.9g
Mascarpone: 0.1g
Creme fraiche: 1g
But why do I need soy, if you look at the above recommendations? Personally, I find it hard without milk (as I love my latte that is why I substitute with zero carb Almond Milk) and yoghurt. Yes, you could have a greek Yoghurt, but 5g carbs is a lot for a little pot and also not an option during a zero carb phase... Then I found the perfect solution, my loved zero carb soy product, but is it okay during a Keto diet?
Well, there is an ongoing discussion that you should avoid for health reasons all soy products apart from a few non-GMO fermented products which are known for their health benefits. Why do I say this, well the Asian traditionally eat small amounts of soy and most of it is fermented and not processed soy and that since ages. As they are one of the healthiest humans on the planet, I think it is safe bet to go with their idea of soy! So I came up with the following:
Minimally Processed Soy
Yellow Soy Beans
Black Soy Beans
Soy Milk/Soy Yoghurt
Fermented Soy
Fermented Tofu & Soy Milk
Soy Sauce
Types to be Avoided
Any type of GMO Soy product including:
Soy Oil
Soy Flour
Soy Protein Isolate
Soy Extracts
So my personal take away is, yes you can go for your soy yoghurt in moderation and it will not kill your diet completely. Logically the Greek yoghurt is better, but I have to say, it is not an option during my zero carbs phases and I also really like it in terms of taste. I tested, if I lose more without soy yoghurt, but that is also not the case... So now you have the full picture and you can decide yourself what is best for you!t